Time Line Reset

Let me start by saying life is suppose to be easy and happy for all of us, it is simply our birth right to thrive in this beautiful world.

Many of us have gotten stuck along the way and haven’t received the guidance and support we needed from the start and it can seem like we are never getting out of that hole we have found ourselves in.

I want you to know there is hope and there is change with the right healing and tools.

Time Line Reset is one of those “right tools”

I became certified for this process after I was taken through it myself and I could see and feel the changes it was making almost immediately.

If a process can be so transformational for me then I know it can be for you too, if you want it to be.

So why is it that we get so stuck in life?

2 main reasons…

  1. we store negative emotions in the body

  2. we create limiting beliefs that keep us small and safe

Time Line Reset is a gentle healing process that allows us to let go of negative emotions and limiting beliefs that are no longer serving us.

In 4 sessions we can clear the intense charge around negative emotions, releasing stuck energy and trauma from the body and change limiting belief systems that are holding us back in life.

Why is this so important?

If trauma and wounding stays stuck in the body we will experience stress and illness in one form or another, symptoms are the bodies was of telling us that something is wrong and needs to be healed.

Limiting beliefs are a script that is running in the background of our life, dictating our actions and behaviours, these limiting belief systems have been created throughout our life, mostly from childhood and trauma and were put in place to keep us safe and protected.

-Perhaps you told your self you needed to be quiet and stay out of the way as a child to keep yourself safe, this belief is still with you and hindering you from your growth,

-Maybe someone told you, you weren’t good enough and so everything you try to achieve never feels good enough

-You could have decided you weren’t worthy or deserving of love and happiness, so you constantly attract situations into your life that reflect this belief

What ever the story is that you have taken on, it is more than likely not serving the person you are desiring to grow into, this is why we need to release and let go of the old programming and upgrade it to a more aligned way of being so we don’t stay stuck on a merry go round of mundane living and keeping ourselves small and feeling bad all the time.

This process works because we are working with the unconscious mind.

It’s time to upgrade, your belief systems and let go of the charge around the negative emotions we feel and allow more happiness, inspiration, connection and love into our lives.

Once we change these structures, watch your life grow and expand rapidly.

4 sessions in person or over zoom

Payment plan options available, please reach out by clicking here.